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How to interpret a dream of bear

Dreaming of bears: Since the bear is such an imposing animal, when you dream of it, it cannot go unnoticed.

There are many different ways to interpret dreams about this this mountain mammal. The bear is a sign of unconsciousness, it is also considered as the dreamlike manifestation of your primitive urges. Seeing one in his dream does not bode well. Your living conditions are at stake. You risk putting him in danger.

If, on the other hand, several bears are present in your dream, you will be fed by too many illusions which will not yet be realized. Succeeding in defeating a bear is a mark of success. This happy omen can be tainted by excessive love which if overflown which can be harmful to you.

Regarding the dream of a polar bear, you will experience a marked improvement in your standard of living. The brown bear, for its part, is a sign that your pessimism will make you fear a change. Seeing a circus bear in your dream can be considered a large sum of money.

The bear in dreams represents above all a strong female presence in your life, like your mother or a particularly protective person. Dreaming of bears also symbolizes renewal, resurrection after a period of break or rest. Depending on whether the bear interacts with you in the dream, as well as other details important to you, the interpretation will vary. Here are some common bear dream scenarios and their meanings.

What does it mean to dream of bears?

Dreaming of bears has the following potential meanings:

  • A maternal presence
  • Renewal
  • Independence
  • Peace
  • Kindness
  • Strength
  • Courage
  • Maternity
  • Power
  • Sovereignty

Dreaming of a bear can be symbolic of the mother.

The bear in dreams is closely associated with the image of the mother. Pay attention to the behavior of the animal and your emotions. Is the bear independent or dominant, protective or threatening? This symbol can indicate a female presence with similar qualities in your daily life. For example, the bear symbolizes your mother, a relationship with your partner, or a woman who exerts a strong influence.

This animal can also mean that you are looking for more independence. The strength of the bear is an encouraging sign that reflects your own courage and the use of personal resources to meet your emancipation needs.

Dream scenarios including bears

Dreaming of a sleeping or hibernating bear. This dream symbolizes your need to think carefully before making your idea known to the world. You are in a renewal period and need time before you start again. The bear can also represent an important project which is gestation.

If you are chased by a bear, this means that you are avoiding a major problem in your life. It is time to deal with the situation. If you are attacked and prosecuted, it is because you feel trapped or threatened. This can symbolize a situation where you feel overwhelmed or a bad relationship of domination and possessiveness. A bear chasing or attacking you represents uncontrolled anger.

If the bear is standing, you must defend your ideas.

Dreaming of a bear trap. In such a dream, a bear trap represents the obstacles that bother you and that can be difficult to overcome. These obstacles impinge on your independence, your autonomy and your well-being.

Other common dreams with bears

An eating bear indicates that you need to prepare for the future.

A bear that eats honey suggests you savor the fruits of your labor and efforts.

If you are fighting with a bear, it means that you are defending yourself during a problem.

If you kill a bear, this suggests that you will win your confrontation.

Seeing a mother and her cubs symbolizes maternal protection, food and attention.

Different types of bears and their meaning

The polar bear represents rebirth. It can also symbolize a source of spiritual wisdom or aspirations for inner peace.

A teddy bear symbolizes a regression at a younger age. Maybe you think a lot about your childhood memories. This suggests a feeling of insecurity, a desire to be comforted and supported. You need to be reassured and you would like someone to take care of you. It can also represent an immature relationship.

Use these questions to decipher the possible meaning behind your bear dreams.

  • Was the bear tame, wild or aggressive?
  • Was he in good health?
  • What environment was he in?
  • How did you act with the animal?
  • What was your first reaction to the bear?
  • Where did the bear come from?
  • Was it coming towards you or was it going away from you?
  • How did you feel in the dream?

Language and logic

Man, I don’t know what it is about LW (Ludwig Wittgenstein), but it seems like the man’s name is mentioned in just about every philosophy book, especially when the topic concerns language. He’s almost as ubiquitous as Hume who I discovered to be much more astute than previously assumed. He wrote a major book and entered college at the ripe age of eleven, a fact I somehow missed before.

Today, at a large bookstore, I spent roughly two hours through three sections, psychology, web development and philosophy. I learned a little here and there about this and that. So, I walked over to the philosophy section after reading about AJAX and AI, and decided to see what philosophers, old and new, had to say about the relationship between language and logic. I thought I might have something. Now, I have something. And it’s big. It’s a monster. It’s a herculean monster. It might even be a sisyphean herculean monster, which are rare, indeed. The only problem is that I’m sort of skipping ahead of myself and it’s possible that my intuition is misguided and short-sight. Something other than right.

Anyhow, so, I started digging into one philosopher after another, finding good ideas here or there, excellent ideas in spells. The trick with philosophers, you see, especially ancient Greek philosophers, is that, if you’re looking for something specific, you sometimes have to read in chunks, extracting important chunks of data while bypassing the verbosity, like using a sieve at an archaeological dig. Yes, knowledge is digging. You just need finer and finer sieves the deeper you go. But don’t try this with postmodern philosophers; you’ll only get your hands dirty. Or bloody.

Anyhow, I extracted a few semi-precious ideas, deductions, what have you, placed them where they belong alongside other ideas, deductions, what have you, and, then, when what do my wondering eyes should appear but Ludwig’s Blue and Brown Books.

I could not have found a better book. I didn’t buy it. That’s dessert. Dessert’s later. Finishing the broccoli. With cheese. What I did do, however, was read the mind of someone who very likely “got it.” He very likely saw the connection like a composer sees his composition, all at once, in his head, complete. LW’s trick was to find a way to explain it. Whereof you don’t know how to explain something, thereof keep your trap shut. A trap. A game. Say cheese!

Anyhow, so, here is what I found more enlightening than bodhisattva. Let’s say Wittgenstein was sitting on a plane of enlightenment known affectionately as Siddhartha Gautama’s bald spot. And what he found might very well settle the score between descriptivist and direct reference theorists. It seems nihilistic, but I don’t think it is underneath. It’s basic. It’s a matter of looking at reality from the perspective of what we know about how we know anything about reality with no credit for preconceptions.

In his Blue and Brown Books, Wittgenstein gives an example of looking at a swatch of paint on a barn door. He says that when we think of this swatch, it is as if we have drawn a black chalk outline around it. The point is that we take what is already in our heads and project it onto what we see, giving us a picture of reality from an aggregate of what we know about it.

Wittgenstein then notes that this makes it unnecessary to have a “sample” of our thoughts present when thinking about something the sample represents. A name is its own referent. I’m making this bold because, if you remember nothing else, remember this. LW says that we do not have thoughts about things but to things. Making sense of something means comparing what we experience with what we already know.

In this light, then, the reference debate between descriptivist and direct reference theorists can be differently interpreted. A name represents an object, idea, emotion, quality, etc., and each is, in turn, represented by a predetermined, finite conceptualization. One can refer to conceptualization as a description, sense impression, reference, or whatever, but, whatever name you give it, it consists of mental abstraction, which can be broken down and concretized.

That’s what I remember from what I read. If that’s way off base, I apologize. I don’t think it is, though. And, like I mentioned earlier, I don’t think this makes LW a nihilist in the least. I think it makes him a hero. I think so, anyways. Lots to digest. No firm convictions. Chomsky might be right, after all, in opining that formal languages and natural languages are completely different. That’s sort of what LW thought, too, if I understand him properly. Maybe that’s the fatalistic part.

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